Happy Children’s day India!

A poem for kids:

'My Train Journey'
'My Train Journey'
My train journey
Was just lovely,
I met kids
Who were funny,
We laughed a lot
At each station
Hot snacks we bought.

Chhuk chhuk
Chhuk chhuk
Chug chug
Chug chug
Went the train,
The rhythm felt
Like a refrain.

I know not when
A thug came
A thief he was,
Who stole a pack
Of my croissant plain;
I thought to complain,
But my train started
So it would go in vain.

Chhuk chhuk,
Chhuk chhuk,
Chug chug,
Chug chug,
Went the train,
The rhythm felt
Like a refrain.

I watched peacocks
I think I saw a fox,
I now closely guarded
My chocolate box.

And all the while
As the train sped
Mile after mile,
Thinking of Granny
My face had a smile.

Chhuk chhuk
Chhuk chhuk
Chug chug
Chug chug
Went the train,
The rhythm felt
Like a refrain.

I slept off then,
And didn't know when
My station came!
As I heard the name
Mumbai CST announced,
I rushed at the door,
And almost fell
On the station floor!

Thank God on board
I was travelling light,
Quickly Grand Pa held me,
And hugged me tight.
Chhuk chhuk chhuk chhuk,
chug chug chug chug

Published by amita sanghavi

I teach, I write...

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