
Grief is never brief.From it,There’s no relief.Let it shedFrom your heart,Autumn after autumn,Leaf after leaf,Tear after tear,Drop by drop.Bare eyes,Bare branch,Bare heart,Just continue to live,Dhak-dhak, dhak-dhak,Beat after beat…As you walk on,Mile after mile,Remember:Life is brief,Accept grief,With it reconcile,Try once more to smile.

When you laugh

When you laugh,Your heart sings,Your laughter soundsLike a bell that rings,Your soul sighsAnd your mind heals,How light it feels!Like a ray,You spread joyMile to mile,When you smile😊.Smile and laugh more,Increase your Joy score,Hope you aren’t being A grumpy bore!

A morning wish

Temporal time ticks,We move, as it kicks.Breeze in the hair,We pick a warm wear.Neither time,Nor breeze,Do we see,But one shows us,Our lifetime limit,The other shows us,What’s it to be free.Use temporal time well,But use leisure better.Enjoy the breeze, The outdoors and The good weather.May there be a zing, Right under your wing,As you follow dreams,AndContinue reading “A morning wish”

Brought nothing, lost nothing

Born empty handed, Leave empty-handed. Live with love and light. When here we landed,Weren’t you and me,Both born empty-handed?Then let’s live life,Without hate and strife,Unassuming and light,Choosing love: Not might over right,Decide none to exploit.Lets feel from The depths of our heart,And reach great heightsThrough our open, Un-burdened, mind,Always to ourself remind:To keep our thoughts,Continue reading “Brought nothing, lost nothing”


From little to more,We are entangledIn daily lifeOur mind and heartTired and mangled.Take a deep breath,Now with force exhale,And let it all go,Repeat again and again,Till you knowThe heaviness is gone,You don’t feel Overwhelmed and low.To yourself Just remind,To:Disentangle, Distance,Detach.You can’t alwaysYourself grind,Free yourself From burdens,From ‘Musts’ And ‘Shoulds’Do not your mind, So strictly bind.LifeContinue reading “Disentangle”

In between silences

In between silences,A few words Fly in,Birds from farawaySkies of ideas,Carrying a new story,In sheer poetry.


Halt a moment,Stop! Save a child,Listen to the lament,Life for love is meant,Rise above discontent,Revise your intent,And choose to be,The One to helpTo nurture and care, And let each of usTo the ‘other’Be truly’God-sent’.


The tabula rasa state of mind

I love my mind,In the ‘tabula rasa’state.I like it:My ‘re-energise’ phase,From ‘doing’ to just ‘being’. I reflect, read more. I love my mind,Uncrowded, on ‘rewind’I refill the soul, the heart, the mind.Reading other’s voicesand fresh new words,I imagine meFly high Like a bird,To a new world. It is essentialTo be vacant, A pre requisite ToContinue reading “The tabula rasa state of mind”


The way to goWhen you knowNothingThe way to goWhen you feelEmptyThe way to goWhen you justDo not knowThe way to goWhen words failAnd tears dryThe way to goIn such a timeIs to Surrender.To silently stayNot ponder just pray.Pray if not in words Prayed before or pre written, But just pray That a ray reachesThe darkContinue reading “Surrender”

A day comes

A day comesWhen what mattered,You must let go.You just know,You give up.It is the day You are justa little less aliveBut you survive.Like the cat’s last lonely walkaround the street,In extreme heat.Losing hope,To find a biteTo chew, to eat.Both you and the catSo much alike,Until next dawn,Both just survive.Will the catWithout the hat,Not named Tom,NorContinue reading “A day comes”