
Move beyond Petty wishing And petty worrying. Trust God Whose plans are beyond perfection. God is super perfectIn balancing our bad karma debts, And good karma deposits.God balances everything And keeps every account. A Guru reminds us to choose right and walk in faith.It is easier to go astray Or get depressed Without a Guru,Continue reading “Beyond”

Your day

You have had a blessed day if you did not have to take any medication whatsoever or await any medical report. You have had a lovely day if you have laughed a lot till your sides ached.You have had a perfect day if all the news and communications have been positive or expected.You have hadContinue reading “Your day”

Good Morning!

In a dayHours 24In the hourMinutes 60In the minuteSeconds 60In the secondMilliseconds…In the millisecond,The moment.Make each moment special.It is a choice.You are gifted With 86400000 milliseconds ToSmile sweetly,Sing soulfully, Serve selflessly, Seek sanctity,Speak softly.Stay special.Let go the ordinary.Just today,Choose special.Good Morning.

No revisits

Revisiting wounds,Recalling memories,Brings regrets.More often than not,The mind whines,The heart pines.Unstick the mind,From that spot.Un-tether the heart,From that rot.There’s limited time,That you’ve got.Look forward,Look upward,Choose to move beyond,Remind yourself,Everything is temporaryOn Life’s playground.

The Quality of the Prayer

Is it Thankful? Desperate? Earnest? Complaining?Tearful?Mindful?Surrendering?Neutral?Soulful?Heavy?Light?Radiant?Peaceful?What is the qualityOf the prayer?


The only thing,Worth having is laughter,Have a laugh.The only thing, Worth keeping is fitness,Keep healthy.The only thing,Worth losing is worry,Lose your worries,May you never find them.The only thing worthGiving up is fear,Let it go…Live in hope.Make your day Good!

The best

Daily connect with the best version of yourself.Meditate and go deep within the ocean of your energy and find the pearl of wisdom and wit.Meditate and reach out to the highest potential of yourself and conduct yourself with grit and dignity.Meditate and maintain your balance and your best,Forego, forget the rest.Be here and now.

A new start

Adversities are inescapable but resilience and patience see you through. What 2022 brought or what it took away, is the past.Few moments today decide how you’ll spend December, reflecting on your newfound strengths or your self-realised wisdom.May each day bring more power to you. More wisdom to you. More hope to you. May more ofContinue reading “A new start”


Happy Women’s Day!We celebrate being us,We balance rules, That are just,We draw the boundaries,With mutual trust.May a lady never be Too eager to please,Or forced to live In dread or fear,Cry alone or hide a tear.It’s 2022,She’s talented too;Free to choose, What to do.It fills the heart With hope and joyTo see Omani womenIn everyContinue reading “HAPPY OMANI WOMEN’S DAY”

What matters

What someone said, hurt.It mattered, it hurt.Its over.Focus not what they said,But how you felt.How you feel determines your emotional well being.So choose to be emotionally resilient by being flexible. Everytime you hurt, make a conscious move to come out of that experience. You may start singing or reading a joke and laughing or simplyContinue reading “What matters”

Have a better day than yesterday!

Choose well.Choose Silence not arguing.Choose Hope not worrying.Choose Activities not idling.ChooseLearning not lazing.Choose better,Right now,Not later! Choose better today

Good morning

Today and everydayAs we pray,For our near and dear,Let us includeAnd pray tooFor all humansFar and distant,Who are in pain,And may respite gain.May they heal for sure,Let’s wish all will cure,From our heart,Prayerful, kind and pure.Good Morning!May you hold Gratitude for all You are blessed with.

Come, September

Come September,Like a dry leafShake off Everyone’s grief.Come September,Make life better,Help everyone shrug,Each big and small grudgeCome September,Help all remember,You precede October,And the last quarter,Of this year,And it’s time To acknowledgeThat in the Fall,Nature let’s goAll dried and old,Bares itself to the coldLikewise, September,Let everyone’s heart Begin to clear,Of worry and fear,Of a frown orContinue reading “Come, September”

What upsets a person?

We are upset and disturbed many a times.Who upsets us?Obvious answer is people around us.But is it the right answer?Nope.Our expectations, when not met, upset us.So if we want to remain calm and peaceful, what should we observe? What should we change? Our expectations and our company.Expect less or nothing and genuine people will surpriseContinue reading “What upsets a person?”

What do we really own?

Our thoughtsOur wordsOur actionsOur voiceOur decisionsOur feelingsOur bodyOur mistakesOur heart Our soulOur talentOur effortsOur wishesOur VoiceNothing else.Ponder on this.

As evening arrives…

May you silent the noises of worry and stress and fear. May you find your peace as you use words of hope and thoughts of love. May the mind retain and recall your favourite music, your favourite songs, your favourite flavours and beautiful memories.May your heart be filled with contentment and courage.

Wonder why

The squirrel seems Less playful,The wind seems Much heavier,The sun seems Much distant,The laughter seemsMuch hollower,The chat seemsMuch mundane,The debate seemsMuch effort,The meal seemsMuch familiar,The water seemsMuch nauseous,The heart seemsMuch numb,The mind seemsMuch dumb.It’s one of those days,Only music seemsMystical, magical,Music has it’s healing ways.

Dear June,

Dear June,A lot in the world,We find, is out of tune.As you are coming soon,May I remind you,To use all your powers,To bring relief showers.Relief from war,Relief from hate,Relief from pain.A good amount of rain,Enough of food grain,Please would you bring,Energy that’s new,And fresh and healing?Pack along,A hopeful song,To be sung in chorus,Let’s sing allContinue reading “Dear June,”

The other half of 2022 arrives

To sun-hot May,The summer-bringer,In days few,We bid adieu.How very soon,Arrives June,Along comes the monsoon,May the rains grace,Cool the land too,Welcome, ‘warm’ welcome,To the second half Of the year 2022.Lets remind ourselves,In New Year resolutionsWhat did we decide,But simply couldn’t do?Its never too late,Begin today,It’s still May.

Decluttering and closures

What makes decluttering difficult is letting go.You loved that stuffOf very long ago,But now,You don’t need itYou know.If you want to goWith the flow,Clutter can’t burden you,Attachments to old energyCan’t withhold youFrom being readyAnd receiving all new.At the moment,It might be hard,But overcome the urgeNot to let go, Do not hoard,You need to declutterYou needContinue reading “Decluttering and closures”

I believe, I trust

Success is the result of our genuine talent, sincere effort and strong decision to not give up before we achieve our goal. Yes. But then how is it that only few succeed while many do not, despite of the talent, effort and determination? We do reflect- oh the timing was not right, or some strokeContinue reading “I believe, I trust”

Inside your mind

Inside your mind,Keep thoughts kind.Inside your mind,Do not rewind.Inside your mind,Keep your thoughts, Words,deeds aligned.Inside your mind,Keep positivity enshrined Good morning!

When for no reason

Sometimes for no obvious Or explicable reason, You may just feel Your heart is heavier, Your mood is low, Your reflexes are slow.Usually around this time,Same day, same time,In the past, You have faced,A devastating setback.The heart has not forgotten,The mind has not overcome,But you have moved on.At such moments,It helps to do Pranayam.Meditate.Be gentleContinue reading “When for no reason”

Have faith

Watch flowers bloom,Listen the birds sing,Bump into bunnies Scurrying and hurrying,Dancing and hip-hopping.Rise and shine, With love and faith,Of all the divine,And in God’s trustMay your soul be refined,And in blessed love,May you remain entwined.

The only control

In every difficult situation in life, the only way to be in charge is to control your mind,control your tongue and control your actions.It is smarter to be more in control of yourself than to try and control others. Silencing the mind and overcoming negativity, overthinking and judgemental presumptions, are all necessary in trying times.InContinue reading “The only control”


‘You can never expect life to be as you would like life to be. But you can always expect the most carefully thought of ways to deal with what is thrown at you. So how you respond is the key to your own well being.Do not rush into a reaction immediately. Take your time.You chooseContinue reading “Control”


The winged explorer,The sky-migrant,The global gliderThe borderless flyerThe bird Tell me, Do you look backTo your first nest,To your first branch,To your first tree?Do you only fly onward,Do you only move forward,Never glance backward,Never sigh,Just fly high?Me too, a migrant,Between cities,Between tongues,Between thoughts,Between my originAnd final destination, Here and now, on earth,Only pursuing Peace isContinue reading “Migrant”

I have majored, 18 years in Muscat.

2004-present, a journey of joy.Back in 2004 I landed on 9th April, Good Friday, in Muscat.I now feel Muscat is in me as much as I am in Muscat, my beloved city.Thank you, Muscat,Thank you, Oman.


The world is at timesA bit topsy, a lot turvy,For you or me Or her or him,The morning may seem,A bit like Coffee gone cold,A bit like A slightly burnt cookie,That too without cream.Your mood may seem low,The sun may glare And pale your glow,Life may bring you,Blow after blow.If this be such a day,IContinue reading “Topsy”

A beginner’s mind

I wish you, An idea new.I wish you,A beginner’s mind,No past to rewind.May your heart,Hold anticipation,And affirmation.May your eyes,Find more possibilities,Than see otherwise.Go ahead this week,Hopeful, not meek,Follow your dreamDoubt-free, Go, seek!I wish you smile,As you walk,Mile after mile,With a spring, In your feet. May soft petals be underneath your feet now and always.

As April approaches

This April:Hold your positive thoughts longer,It makes your words Sweeter and stronger.Hold your peace longer,It makes your words calmer.Hold onto truth forever,It gives your wordsPower.What thoughts you keep,That far you’ll reach,Your intent, your thoughtsInto your words will seep,And find a placeIn your speech.Be word-conscious today onwards!Be April ‘Wise’Not April fool,Be ‘Word-wise’,Relaxed and cool.

For some of us

For some of usFrom this day, today,This world will never be The same again.A few words unsaid,A few tears unshed,Will forever remain.For some of us now on,A hollow feeling,An emptiness,A sense of loss,A long, quiet silence,Will forever remain.This world will never be The same again.To those ‘some of us’Whose hearts have broken,I say, let usContinue reading “For some of us”


Spend your time well.It’s the only thingWe have no clueWhen it will be over.Think about how muchWe need to push ourself To accomplish today.Your journey and mine,Is like a sip of wine,Time gulps us over,May it go slower.We live the distance, From presenceTo absence.We breathe the distance,From soundTo silence.We traverse the distance,Our journey together,Some dayContinue reading “Time”

Good Morning

As you go About your chore,And still have To finish many more,Hold thankfulness,Remember many yearnFor this normal-ness.May peace and calm pour,In your heart-core.May good luck knockAt your life’s door.Have a blissful morning,And a very lucky day.

So what now?

Let’s say,What you did dream,What you did chase,Was a slip between The cup and the lip.You may sulk, screamPine for what is not,Won’t let it just go,Oscillate to and fro-Pendulum-like, movingWithout progressing.As you observe,Surely you know,Back and forth, Forth and back,Ask your self,What in this lifeDo you really lack?

Who are you?

What are you? You are your mind, You heart, body, soul. You are the ‘are’ Not yet the ‘were’.So you are:The present, The breathing ‘you’. You are the time you have left with you. So when you ‘do’ something, With your body,mind, heart and soul, You actually give yourself whole.To what?That you decide.How you dedicateContinue reading “Who are you?”

I’m not sure

I’m not sure What love is,But I know Kindness is pure.In the end,What changes the story, What matters totally,Is how well you treatThe one you claim to loveIn thought, word & deed.

How far did you succeed today?

How was the day? You had a successful day if you laughed a lot.You achieved considerably if you stayed focused.You did great if you helped a few persons.You did well if you spoke your truth no matter what.You were doing fine if you stood up for yourself and stated how offended you felt.You were rightContinue reading “How far did you succeed today?”


Only when tears overflow,We regain our balance,And then does peace glow.Only when fears We do face and overcome,Does living lifeSeem worthy and awesome.Despite the impediments Continue your journey onward.Despite the highs and lows, Our gears we quickly change,We drive and move forwardThrough Life’s Complete and inescapable ‘Good and bad’ range.Let go the tears.Face your fears.ChangeContinue reading “Only”


Hush,Heard the whisper?A sound softer,But so much sweeter?Hush,Heard the whisper?A sound quieter,Yet so much truer?Hush,Heard the whisper?A sound fainter,Yet so much wiser?Hush,Hear the whisper:A sound, a murmur,That’s Softer,Clearer, Fainter,Sweeter,Truer,Wiser.Listen to your heart’s whispers today.

Please bring

Please bring along A new song, Also, let love To us belong. Please bring with you A good news few, Our smiles,chuckles,Our laughter too. Please hold together Health and hope, And the more Peace you ensure, The more we’ll cure . Please shower us With some sunshine,In all that we pursue,Make our timing divine. PleaseContinue reading “Please bring”

Happy Republic Day India!

May we move forward, Stronger,surer,together.May we move forward,To progress and prosper.May our diversityBring us strength greater, Make our minds grow richer,May we stride with pride,Holding hands of each other.

A thorn…

If a thorn pricked,Hurt and bled you terribly,Would you intentionally Put yourself through That prick again? Then why let a memoryOf a day bygone A survived, bad, Injurious experience, Revisit, re-prick,Rehurt you repeatedly?Let go the past,Protect your heart,From hurting.Heal yourself:Replace the thorn,By revisiting Re-touching the petalsOf only the best Bygone moments.Let go gloom,May your heartContinue reading “A thorn…”

Let’s remember

Let’s rememberIts not ‘my’ success Or ‘your’ success. It is ‘our’ success.Let’s rememberIts not ‘my’ failure Or ‘your’ failure. It is ‘our’ failure.We are each contributing to ALL Humanity And therefore, UBUNTU the African proverbial concept of Life and community is the best way forward- I am, because you are.At our individual level, we canContinue reading “Let’s remember”

Not all mornings are good.

Some mornings A noisy silenceIn your mindBut your lips smile.Some morningsA quiet noiseIn your heartBut your lips pray.Alternate cycles bringA smile, as tears stingOr tears, with a smile.Accept.Learn.Detach.Move on.Stronger, surer.

Glide into 2022

Glide gently throughFew hours moreInto Twenty Twenty Two.Merry or morose,Some memories Life deposited,And some preciousBeloved memory-makers Death withdrew.Some doors shut,Some did open for you,To glide smoothly intoTwenty Twenty Two.To reach the state idealYou and I got to dealWith what we do,How we feel.So soar highWith Hope, flyDo your best,Just try and try.Wishing you A yearContinue reading “Glide into 2022”