Good Morning!

In a dayHours 24In the hourMinutes 60In the minuteSeconds 60In the secondMilliseconds…In the millisecond,The moment.Make each moment special.It is a choice.You are gifted With 86400000 milliseconds ToSmile sweetly,Sing soulfully, Serve selflessly, Seek sanctity,Speak softly.Stay special.Let go the ordinary.Just today,Choose special.Good Morning.

No revisits

Revisiting wounds,Recalling memories,Brings regrets.More often than not,The mind whines,The heart pines.Unstick the mind,From that spot.Un-tether the heart,From that rot.There’s limited time,That you’ve got.Look forward,Look upward,Choose to move beyond,Remind yourself,Everything is temporaryOn Life’s playground.

A few

I wish youPleasant moments More than just a few.I wish youA lovely surprise,So you feel all ‘oooh’!I wish you Awesome memory-making Dashed with laughter too.Go, get your chaiOr go coffee brew,Greet the lovely dayAhead of you, All fresh and new!


Happy Women’s Day!We celebrate being us,We balance rules, That are just,We draw the boundaries,With mutual trust.May a lady never be Too eager to please,Or forced to live In dread or fear,Cry alone or hide a tear.It’s 2022,She’s talented too;Free to choose, What to do.It fills the heart With hope and joyTo see Omani womenIn everyContinue reading “HAPPY OMANI WOMEN’S DAY”

Jai Ganesh Deva

Lord Ganesha you lead Our beginnings,Make our path Obstacle-free,Your names are thousand,Ekdant, AniketVignesh or Vinayak,You love laadoo and modakAnd ride the mushak,We bow unto you and seekProtection and good luck.You are our beloved,Our most worshipped,To you we belong,Bless us to chooseRight over wrong.Make our Vivek-buddhi Sharp and strong,As every step we take,Our path problem-freeWe prayContinue reading “Jai Ganesh Deva”

What do we really own?

Our thoughtsOur wordsOur actionsOur voiceOur decisionsOur feelingsOur bodyOur mistakesOur heart Our soulOur talentOur effortsOur wishesOur VoiceNothing else.Ponder on this.

Dear June,

Dear June,A lot in the world,We find, is out of tune.As you are coming soon,May I remind you,To use all your powers,To bring relief showers.Relief from war,Relief from hate,Relief from pain.A good amount of rain,Enough of food grain,Please would you bring,Energy that’s new,And fresh and healing?Pack along,A hopeful song,To be sung in chorus,Let’s sing allContinue reading “Dear June,”

Keep away

Keep away The urge,To delay.Get up!Do it!You have to do it anyway.Exercise?Declutter?The follow up call?Making a meal?An unpaid bill?What is it,You haven’t done still?Today, make it a dayTo begin, to attempt, to complete,whatever it be:Any pending talks,Your Nature walks.Or lots of to-do tasks.’What’s your plan?’Today, to you asks.

The Art of Worrying

A nagging worry Might be an opportunityTo bring about changeAnd turn the worryInto a personal change,Take responsibility, To improve self, Change a ‘given’ belief,Re-question, redefine What bothers you and why.Think beyond the clouds,Of anxiety and worry,They may shower upon you,A refreshing insight, Or wisdom anew.

I believe, I trust

Success is the result of our genuine talent, sincere effort and strong decision to not give up before we achieve our goal. Yes. But then how is it that only few succeed while many do not, despite of the talent, effort and determination? We do reflect- oh the timing was not right, or some strokeContinue reading “I believe, I trust”

Inside your mind

Inside your mind,Keep thoughts kind.Inside your mind,Do not rewind.Inside your mind,Keep your thoughts, Words,deeds aligned.Inside your mind,Keep positivity enshrined Good morning!

Good morning

May all go well today.May troubles melt away.Wish you a bounceIn your step, Happy and childlike,May your heart sway.May the day be simpleMake you just smile,And show your dimple.

Uncertainty is okay

Uncertainty:It is a gap, A blur, The distance,Between the answer, And its question.It is the time When we have to sit back, Not knowing, What’s next in line,Feeling fear and lack.Its best to wait,And let the universe, Gather its intelligence, And put the best stuff, Together for us.Uncertainty is quite An humbling experience.It makes usContinue reading “Uncertainty is okay”

Have faith

Watch flowers bloom,Listen the birds sing,Bump into bunnies Scurrying and hurrying,Dancing and hip-hopping.Rise and shine, With love and faith,Of all the divine,And in God’s trustMay your soul be refined,And in blessed love,May you remain entwined.

The only control

In every difficult situation in life, the only way to be in charge is to control your mind,control your tongue and control your actions.It is smarter to be more in control of yourself than to try and control others. Silencing the mind and overcoming negativity, overthinking and judgemental presumptions, are all necessary in trying times.InContinue reading “The only control”


‘You can never expect life to be as you would like life to be. But you can always expect the most carefully thought of ways to deal with what is thrown at you. So how you respond is the key to your own well being.Do not rush into a reaction immediately. Take your time.You chooseContinue reading “Control”

As April approaches

This April:Hold your positive thoughts longer,It makes your words Sweeter and stronger.Hold your peace longer,It makes your words calmer.Hold onto truth forever,It gives your wordsPower.What thoughts you keep,That far you’ll reach,Your intent, your thoughtsInto your words will seep,And find a placeIn your speech.Be word-conscious today onwards!Be April ‘Wise’Not April fool,Be ‘Word-wise’,Relaxed and cool.

Teach your daughter this:

You are empowered If your bank account is surplus and sufficient, Your house help isRegular and efficient, If you are well-trained, On raising your profit quotient, And no one dares to Stop or question, Your spending decision. You are empowered If you walk to work Without being taunted Or made to feel guilty To notContinue reading “Teach your daughter this:”