I believe, I trust

Success is the result of our genuine talent, sincere effort and strong decision to not give up before we achieve our goal. Yes. But then how is it that only few succeed while many do not, despite of the talent, effort and determination? We do reflect- oh the timing was not right, or some strokeContinue reading “I believe, I trust”

Who are you?

What are you? You are your mind, You heart, body, soul. You are the ‘are’ Not yet the ‘were’.So you are:The present, The breathing ‘you’. You are the time you have left with you. So when you ‘do’ something, With your body,mind, heart and soul, You actually give yourself whole.To what?That you decide.How you dedicateContinue reading “Who are you?”

How far did you succeed today?

How was the day? You had a successful day if you laughed a lot.You achieved considerably if you stayed focused.You did great if you helped a few persons.You did well if you spoke your truth no matter what.You were doing fine if you stood up for yourself and stated how offended you felt.You were rightContinue reading “How far did you succeed today?”

Happy Republic Day India!

May we move forward, Stronger,surer,together.May we move forward,To progress and prosper.May our diversityBring us strength greater, Make our minds grow richer,May we stride with pride,Holding hands of each other.

Achieve today!

For I have refinedAnd redefinedAchievement.Not wasting timeIs an achievement.Letting go worryIs an achievement.Laughing more Is an awesome accomplishment.Making a new bond,Having a new friend,Is an achievement.Turning a sad memory Into a sad smile Is an achievement.Praying for myself Is an accomplishment,Praying for others Is an achievement.I pray all of you achieve and accomplish today:My way.Continue reading “Achieve today!”