Dark coffee, light moments

Not all days are a sunny carrot-orange. On such days, Coffee with cream Fixes the heart that is too full And has to stop feeling, And the mind is too still, And has to start thinking. On such pale days, I prefer coffee with cream. The aroma and the warmth Quietly work their way ThroughContinue reading “Dark coffee, light moments”


‘You can never expect life to be as you would like life to be. But you can always expect the most carefully thought of ways to deal with what is thrown at you. So how you respond is the key to your own well being.Do not rush into a reaction immediately. Take your time.You chooseContinue reading “Control”

The Art of Leaving

Leave it.Detox.The computer screen,The ice cream,The fried chips routine.Leave it.Detox.The virtual game.The fast food Ramen.Leave it.Detox.Life is not indoors On a screen-an idiot box.Choose un-virtualReal activities, detox!ChooseThe Art of LeavingTo beginThe Art of Living.

Live in Real Reality

Life is not lived Through an electronicTwo inch foldable screen.A game played virtuallyMeans losing health Both physically And mentally, no moving.Playing from a couch,Is that true sporting?Success is not A virtual dream,Applauding a cartoon,Or a footballer ‘anime’.Life is not experiencedAlone, behind a screen.Remind each other,That the screen Is a tool,Don’t overuse it,Like a fool.Use itContinue reading “Live in Real Reality”