Of paper boats and childhood

My daughterI watch quietly,As she neatlyFolds the crispLittle square pink paperWith her chubby fingers,Totally quiet andAbsorbed in origami,I observe how With her folds,Art unfolds.A lovely, lightpaperboat I behold-And memories unfold:Chilli-hot, fire-hot fritters,Monsoon music,Brolly-less, romping carefree,And my days of dancing in rain-Jolly though dripping wet,In the light and heavyHeavy and light drizzleMy smile mingles with hers,OurContinue reading “Of paper boats and childhood”


Our time is limited,Our past can’t be edited,Our future isn’t alwaysWishfully scripted.Figures in banks and Figures in the mirror,Represent nothing but Impermanence, mere.Niether saves us,From an earthquake sudden-All dreams and domes crash,Beauties mutilate,Money doesn’t reach Beneath the debris.All great and small here-Lie buried, breathlessUnder one tremor,So unexpected, so sheer.

When for no reason

Sometimes for no obvious Or explicable reason, You may just feel Your heart is heavier, Your mood is low, Your reflexes are slow.Usually around this time,Same day, same time,In the past, You have faced,A devastating setback.The heart has not forgotten,The mind has not overcome,But you have moved on.At such moments,It helps to do Pranayam.Meditate.Be gentleContinue reading “When for no reason”

What matters.

Doesn’t matterHow yesterdays were.Or tomorrows will be.Keeping well now-Just ‘now’ matters.The effort to gather Yourself once more,Rise to healing,Like never before.Remember:No half death, No half breath, No life,Without strife.To renew effort, Be determined, Do not withdraw,Live each moment well,In negativity,Please don’t dwell.Take a deep breath,Choose wellness,Choose strength,And choose health.In this moment,Live fully well.